How Does Transcendental Meditation Work?

From the moment we wake up, to the moment we fall asleep, the mind is constantly active.

Transcendental Meditation allows the conscious mind to experience quieter levels and ultimately to transcend, or go beyond even the finest impulse of thought, to experience pure consciousness, the source of thought - the field of infinite creativity and intelligence. The mind is profoundly relaxed, yet wide-awake and by gaining this deep level of rest, both mind and body are refreshed and replenished.

Dillbeck, MC és Orme-Johnson, DW: „A TM és a pihenés közötti fiziológiai különbségek", American Psychologist, 1987. szeptember, 42:879-881 és 1987. szeptember, 42:879-881.

Mély ellazulás

Kutatások igazolják, hogy a TM a csukott szemmel történő pihenéssel összehasonlítva sokkal nagyobb mértékben növeli a galvános bőrellenállást, ami a nagyon mély ellazulás egyik jele. A mély nyugalmi állapotra utal továbbá a kevesebb lélegzetvétel és a plazma tejsavszintjének csökkenése is.

Improve your health and ability to heal

Transcendental Meditation enlivens the body's inner intelligence, supporting its innate ability to heal itself. By allowing mind and body to access the source of nature's intelligence deep within, Transcendental Meditation can bring about marked improvements in every aspect of life: mind, body, behaviour, and society.

Meditation Properly Understood -1 min
Dr John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist

Coral, aged 17

"What I appreciate most when I meditate is the inner calm and deep rest. It makes my mind clearer - and my day so much smoother."