Belső béke a test és a lélek számára

A TM gyakorlása során megtapasztalt mély pihenés ellazítja a testet és lehetővé teszi, hogy feloldódjon a stressz és az idők során felgyülemlett fáradtság.

Amikor az idegrendszerünk kevésbé feszült, a felmerülő problémákra sokkal nyugodtabban tudunk reagálni.

Maharishi on happiness
-3 mins

Experience natural calm

By adding the calming experience of Transcendental Meditation to your daily routine, inner peace grows easily. The natural tendency of the mind is to go in the direction of more happiness and peace. When practising Transcendental Meditation, this process happens naturally and automatically. 

Add meditation to your daily routine

True inner peace is the sense of calm and centredness needed to be effective in today's busy world. In sports, they call it The Zone, where athletes perform at their peak while maintaining a calm, comprehensive point of view. You don't need to retreat to a mountain top to find inner peace. Just practise Transcendental Meditation twice a day.

By adding the calming experience of Transcendental Meditation to your daily routine, inner peace grows. It's similar to dying fabric the old-fashioned way—alternately dipping it in dye and fading it in the sun until it becomes colour fast. In that same way, the alternation of TM and activity quickly produces a state where you are never overshadowed by stressful experiences. No matter what problems arise, you face them with a strong steady state of mind.

Transcendental Meditation in Action

"I open my eyes and I'm sad that it's 20 minutes later." (2 mins) Ellen DeGeneres

Dr Elizabeth Young 
GP, London

"After practising TM, I feel refreshed and ready to tackle life's problems … I have seen literally thousands of people gain benefit from Transcendental Meditation and I recommend it without hesitation."