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TM-tanár keresése

"If this kind of result was observed for a new prescription drug, it would be a billion-dollar industry to make it available to everyone immediately."

Dr Norman Rosenthal
Renowned psychiatrist & best selling author

TM's scientifically proven
health benefits

Hundreds of published research studies on the TM technique have documented its
effectiveness on stress and anxiety, brain function, cardiovascular health and more.

Greater resilience to stress

Modern day life is increasingly complex and stressful.

Are you stressed out? Try TM.

Find out more about how TM works on stress

TM = egészségesebb szív

Tudományos kutatások igazolják, hogy a TM csökkenti többek között a magas vérnyomást, valamint a szívroham és a sztrók kockázatát.

A TM további jótékony hatásai a szív- és érrendszerre
TM's heart benefits
TM increases happiness

Increase your happiness

This effortless meditation works on your brain
chemistry to make you happier.

Find out more details about TM's effect on your mood

Improve your clarity of mind & creativity

TM's state of restful alertness allows you to access light bulb moments, unfolding your full potential.

Find out more information on TM & brain function

A szorongás legyen a múlté!

A TM rendszeres gyakorlása
kiegyensúlyozottabb és pozitívabb lelkiállapotot teremt.

Bővebben arról, hogy a TM hogyan enyhíti a szorongást


"I am 1000% better when I do it"

Seinfeld & Bob Roth:

"It's like a charger for your whole body"

One simple technique connecting you with the
source of all your energy, creativity and intelligence,
dissolving stress to enrich mind and body,
emotions and relationships.

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